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What to Expect at Your First Orthodontist Visit

Greenway Village Dental

If you need teeth alignment services, you may be wondering what to expect with your first visit to the orthodontist. Learn here.

An estimated 4 million people in the US are currently wearing braces, and 1 in 4 orthodontic patients are adults.

A visit to the orthodontist can be daunting for adults, and even more so for children. This is especially true for people on their first visits.

If you have your first orthodontist appointment coming up, it's natural to be apprehensive. In reality, you probably don't have as much to worry about as you think. It may help put your mind at ease if you have an idea of what will happen during your appointment.

In this guide, we'll go over what you can expect from your first orthodontist visit. Keep reading for more.

Arriving at the Clinic

This is often when people are most apprehensive, despite it being the easiest part. It may feel like the calm before the storm - but there's nothing to worry about.

You will arrive and be greeted by the admin staff who will take your details and provide you with any forms you need to complete. Once everything is done, you will wait to be called to see the doctor.

The Consultation

You may have been referred to an orthodontist by a dentist. If this is the case, the doctor will review the referral before completing the consultation.

If not, the doctor will discuss your case with you and you can inform them of any concerns you have regarding your teeth. You should also inform them of any dental issues you've been experiencing.

After the discussion, the doctor will examine your teeth. They'll then talk to you about the next steps. This can vary depending on your situation. The doctor might suggest holding off on any treatment - typically if it's not necessary.

It can be a good idea to take children to the orthodontist even if they have no dental issues. An orthodontist can examine their teeth, and will often be able to determine if they're likely to have any problems as they get older. They can then advise of any precautionary measures that may make things easier down the road.

An orthodontist might defer treatment when there are issues. They might do this if they notice any signs of jaw injuries/disorders, poor oral health, or gum disease. You will want to have these issues dealt with before having any orthodontics done.

What Happens if Your Treatment Is Deferred?

It may be ideal to have any treatment done at the time, but in some cases, deferring treatment is the best course of action. If this happens, the orthodontist will let you know when you should come back for another consultation.

They may also recommend other actions you should take before your next consultation. They might suggest seeing a specialist, for example. With children, they may simply suggest waiting until their teeth have moved into place properly.

The timeframe for this is usually from 6-12 months. At the next consultation, you may be ready to begin treatment. For some people, however, it can be several years from the first consultation before reaching this point.

Every case is different, but it's important to follow the guidance of an experienced orthodontist. They understand how the treatment works, so listening to them will give you the best chance of getting good results from your treatment.

After the Consultation

Getting to the end of your consultation doesn't mean getting to the end of your treatment. The orthodontist might want to do further clinical diagnostics to determine the best treatment options. It's often difficult to determine a specific plan of action from just one consultation.

The orthodontist will provide a summary of your situation, explaining any problems you have and how they can be treated. With this, they should be able to give some pricing estimates, but they won't be able to tell you the final price at this point.

They might request records of your teeth, including x-rays and scans. These records can reveal new findings that will help your orthodontist understand your dental situation. From this, they may be able to determine better treatment options for you.

As such, these records are needed before the orthodontist can lay out a firm plan. For some patients, the orthodontist may need molds of the upper and lower teeth to assist with the development of a treatment plan.

You might already have x-rays that the orthodontist can use which will save some time. If not, they'll be able to organize these for you by helping you to schedule an appointment with a dental radiologist. This will happen before your next consultation so that the orthodontist can get a treatment plan ready for you.

Your Next Appointment

Once the doctor has all the information they need, they'll be able to present you with your treatment plan. Depending on your situation and needs, this could involve tooth alignment, so you can expect to be getting braces. Invisalign is another tooth straightening option that has become incredibly popular in recent years, so you might prefer that option.

You can take this opportunity to ask your orthodontist any questions you might have. They can advise you of what options may be best and why so you can make a better-informed decision.

You can schedule your next appointment. The doctor will advise you of roughly when this should be, and you can choose a time that suits you.

After getting through your first appointment, some of the fear and anxiety should have dissipated. You can then come back for your second appointment without the same level of worry or stress.

Do You Need to See an Orthodontist?

If you have any dental issues at all, don't hesitate to see an orthodontist or dentist in Clemmons, NC. Putting things off will only make your situation worse, so you should seek treatment as soon as you can.

Rice & Associates is a professional family dentistry based in Clemmons, NC. We offer a range of services including orthodontics, cosmetic dentistry, and general dentistry. Contact us today to find out more about our services and how we can help you.

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